Road Traffic Accident

Road Traffic Accident with Baker Hardman Solicitors

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident as a driver or passenger and have suffered injuries. Or if you have suffered injuries as a pedestrian or motorcyclist. You may be able to claim compensation.  It’s important to know you don’t have to be the driver to make a claim.

At Baker Hardman, we understand how this can have a huge impact on you and your family, especially if you are unable to work or need to make changes to your home and lifestyle following an injury.  This may also affect your finances.  Claiming compensation after a car accident can help with easing the financial pressures you may be facing as a result of being unable to work.  Our solicitors can provide access to early treatment and support, to improve your recovery.

You can be confident that our solicitors will help maximise your compensation.  We work on a ‘no win no fee basis. We can also make further personal injury claims.  Our role is to work out the support you need and then achieve the compensation that will deliver that support.  We will work to get you the compensation that can be put towards helping you get your life back on track.

The compensation you may be entitled to depending on your circumstance:

  • Lost wages or earnings (we take into account both past losses and future losses)
  • Loss of irreplaceable items
  • Replacement or repair of damaged property, vehicle
  • Medical expenses
  • Cost of care 

We also provide:

  • Arranging vehicle repairs
  • Suitable replacement vehicle

Contact us today and we will start working on your claim right away.

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