Contractual Disputes

Contractual Disputes with Baker Hardman Solicitors

Once a contract is signed, we assume a contract protects everyone involved by making sure all parties understand their rights and responsibilities. However, this may not be the case, if one party breaks the terms set out in the agreement. Contract disputes can impact all aspects of your business and can cost you money and time.

In the first instance, once the dispute is apparent, you need to take legal advice to assess your options. Our commercial litigation solicitors can help you resolve these disputes, and review new or existing contracts for risk. Advise on how to prevent future disputes from happening.  This means we can help you reach the most satisfactory outcome as quickly as possible with minimum costs.

We know that litigation is costly for companies and best avoided if possible.  Therefore, our solicitors will aim to resolve matters by arbitration, mediation, and negotiated settlements.  As these are most often a better solution. However, for times when matters do proceed to litigation. Our experienced solicitors will provide you with the best guidance and support.

Types Of Contract Disputes We Can Help With?

Our solicitors have gained years of experience working with businesses from many industry sectors. Contract disputes can be complex, and getting this right from the start, is what our solicitors are good at. With our expertise in the many industry sectors. We can provide you with the advice needed on the following types of disputes:

  • Supply chain contracts
  • Construction contracts
  • Employment contracts
  • Outsourcing and agency staffing contracts.
  • Sale of Business & Share Sale Agreements;
  • Sale of Goods & Supply of Goods and Services;
  • Commercial Agency and Distribution Agreements;
  • Franchise Agreements;
  • Consultancy Agreements;
  • Intellectual Property/IT Agreements;
  • Finance and Loans;
  • Leases & sublets.

We’re Committed to Helping You

We’re here to provide you with advice and the best course of action to take from both commercial and legal perspectives. Our solicitors will do their best to always look for alternative resolution options, preventing you from going to court. We will fully take the time to understand your business and provide you with an experienced solicitor.

Our services also extend to drafting contracts for our clients. Our commercial contract solicitors can draft agreements for your business. This will prevent disputes from happening in the future.

If you would like our team to review any existing contracts, contact us and we will carry out a full risk assessment, advising you of any potential risks. We can redraft your contracts if needed, we can also advise you on how to add further protection against future disputes.


Contact Us

Please call our specialist team to book a free consultation. We guarantee you will speak directly to a legal professional or contact us online and we’ll get back to you.

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